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GAIA Mixed Seeds brings you a roasted nutritious snack that is made with a combination of healthy ingredients like quinoa, pumpkin seeds, and watermelon seeds. High in protein and dietary fiber and with no cholesterol and no trans fat, this healthy snack will curb your in-between-meal cravings. Furthermore, this healthy mix of seeds contains various valuable nutrients that promote overall health and well-being.
2 Reviews
I just love the quality and packaging of this brand seeds are roasted just the perfect way
It's quite crispy, tasty and healthy
Using Gaia Products
To meet your hunger pangs, you often bite a cookie, eat a muffin, or go for an option from an endless list of snacking options available in the market. But when you think about health you have to be conscious as to what you are eating and when. When you think of watermelon, a red squashy fruit comes to your vision, when you think of quinoa, a gluten-free snack comes to the picture, and pumpkin brings to your vision a tasty fruit to consume. But have you ever realized the hidden secrets of these food items? Those are the edible seeds of these fruits. You can have a mix of these seeds and relish a wholesome and nutritious food with just a handful of seeds.
Mixed Seeds with a combination of the seeds are highly concentrated with nutrients like zinc, magnesium, potassium, calcium, vitamins, proteins, and fiber.
Gaia Mixed Seeds is a delicious mix of healthy and nutritious ingredients like quinoa, pumpkin seeds, and watermelon seeds. All the seeds are mixed and roasted with a bit of salt to add more crunchiness, aroma, and flavour to this healthy alternative to calorie-loaded snacks.
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