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1. “I don’t have the time”
1 hour is just 4% of your day. Exercising 4 days out of 7 is only 2.3% of your week. So do you really “not have the time”? You do the math.
2. “I don’t know where to start”
A 20 minute walk every morning is a great start. So all you really have to do is stop hitting ‘snooze’.
3. “My hectic schedule leaves me with no time to plan my meals”
You have more reason to balance your meals – to support your hectic lifestyle with proper nutrition.
4. “I have kids so I’m constantly focusing on their health and well-being”
Why not teach by example? Eat the same healthy meals that you cook for your kids and be a part of their exercise routine.
5. “I’m in the prime of my youth, I can afford to live on cake”
If you don’t take care of yourself in the prime of your youth, it will take a toll on your health and well-being later. So why procrastinate?
6. “There are no good gyms in my neighborhood”
You don’t need a gym to be healthy. You just need to chalk out an exercise routine with a diet plan and stick to it.